Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Mustard

    Mustard is a quick-growing salad which may be ready for the table within three weeks of sowing. It is managed precisely the same as garden cress, or peppergrass.

  • Function Of Cultivation

    Plow deeply, harrow deeply, and cultivate shallow. That is the keynote to success,” says W. H. Riddle of Baltimore county, Maryland, “in raising any crop where the ground should be plowed. The deeper the plowing, the larger the bed to hold the rains as they fall. The deep plowing, say, 8 to 10 inches, prevents […]

  • Lettuce

    Of all salad plants, lettuce is probably the most universally popular. It is rarely used for any other purpose than for salads. Its cultivation may be carried on by means of hotbeds, cold frames, and the open ground throughout the whole year. The greatest demand for it is in the spring when the appetite craves […]

  • Leek

    The leek is managed like the onion and upon the same kinds of soils. It is grown for its leaves and stems which later are usually blanched toward the close of the season, by having the earth drawn up around them. Commonly the seed is sown in early spring and the seedlings transplanted about the […]

  • Kohlrabi

    Kohlrabi is grown for its thickened stem, which looks like a turnip growing above ground. For early summer use it is preferred to early turnips in many sections. It should be sown like turnips where it has to mature, and should be used while young and tender. When it grows old it becomes tough and […]

  • Kale

    Kale is cultivated in practically the same way as cabbage until the plants are set in the field; then it is managed like turnip. The leaves are used for greens. As a rule, they are coarse flavored and stringy. They do not compare with spinach or Savoy cabbage as greens. Their market season is late […]

  • Horse-radish

    William F. Miller of Camden county, New jersey, says : ” Horse-radish is started by setting out roots as early in the spring as the ground will permit. In taking up horse-radish there are always several small roots radiating from the main or tap root, used largely for grating. These small roots are cut off […]

  • Herbs

    No home garden can be complete without herbs. These supply a variety of flavors which can be secured from no other plants. They are especially useful for seasoning soups, stews, salads, and dressings. They may be used, therefore, fresh or dried. If dried, they must be kept in glass so that their flavors may not […]

  • Ground Cherry

    The ground cherry resembles the tomato in many respects, but bears its small, cherry-like fruit in a husk. The fruits are used for preserves and sauces. When once planted, the plants usually supply abundant seedlings for years after so that seed need not be bought more than once. The plant never becomes a pest, since […]

  • Garlic

    Garlic is grown for the ” cloves ” or little bulbs which form a head at the top of the stems. These are inclosed in a white or rose-colored skin. These cloves are planted in early spring like onion sets. Good rich soil is essential. After the heads are well formed these are gathered with […]

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