
Carrots are used both for table vegetables and for flavoring soups and stews. They are of the easiest culture. The seed is sown in rich, mellow soil, preferably with a few radish seeds to mark the rows and kept cleanly cultivated until they get a good start. If sown as soon as the ground can be worked, roots can be secured by the latter part of May or early June. For the small early sorts 14 inches between the rows is sufficient, but for the late, large-growing kinds 18 inches is preferable. It is desirable, however, to use the small growing kinds exclusively, because they are much more easy to dig than the long ones. The plants are thinned when about 4 inches tall to 4 or 6 inches apart. Storing is the same as for turnips. Carrots are often forced in hotbeds and cold frames for the early market. They are as easily managed as radishes for this purpose. Among the best known varieties are Short Scarlet, Danvers, and Oxhart.






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