Garden Planning

“Don’t wait till the last minute to plan the garden. Plan to get two crops, where possible, in one season. In the onion bed and between the early beets plant parsnips and salsify. They will not interfere with each other at all. If the corn is checked, bush limas may be planted one way of the hills, and a good crop gathered, without hurting the corn. Some strains of bush lima are immensely prolific, and will furnish fine beans, either for summer or winter use. Turnips also may be sowed among the corn, late in July, after cultivation of the corn has ceased. In the spring the space between the heads of lettuce may be used for early beets, planting alternately lettuce and beets 4 inches apart in the row.

” Here is a list showing how one good crop may follow another: First crop Peas, bush beans, early cabbage, early potatoes, lettuce, early beets. Second crop Celery, late cabbage or turnips, late peas, turnips or celery, late peas or turnips, corn, celery, turnips or peas, winter radishes, lettuce, peas, etc., late beets, for fall and winter, to replace early beets as used.

Do not transplant just after a rain. The ground will cake. If at the time of transplanting it is dry weather, cut back the leaves from a third to a half and be sure to press the earth firmly to the roots, with an oblique downward thrust of the fingers.

“No matter how good the seed and the garden bed, frequent and careful cultivation is needed to bring first-class garden stuff. Generally speaking, rapid growth, without setback, is necessary, and lack of cultivation by retarding growth, tends to make inferior garden stuff.

The farmer’s main advantage over his city brother is in his ability to have absolutely fresh vegetables; but I have so often seen this advantage carelessly lost that I can’t help calling attention to the obvious fact that the minute garden stuff is taken from the garden deterioration begins. From garden to pot with all speed; and from pot to table, cooked tender, but not overdone ; crisp as becomes a self-respecting vegetable, not water logged, flat, and insipid. Boiling in salted water helps to retain both color and firmness; and a vegetable ought to look just as good as it tastes.”






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