
Radish seed is sown in drills in the earliest spring and for successional plantings at intervals of a week or ten days. By allowing 4 to 6 feet of the drill to each member of the family, and making five or six sowings at intervals, there should be a sufficient supply until early summer. During summer the plants are apt to become woody and strong and to run to seed quickly. The rows may be only 6 or 8 inches apart. Some of the varieties can be ready for the table in three to four weeks.

Winter radishes are managed in the same way as turnips, the seeds being sown in July or August and the roots gathered in autumn and stored in pits or cellars. They are coarser and not as highly appreciated as the early radishes. If only a fall sup-ply is desired, it is best to sow the early spring varieties in successional plantings between September 1 and October 1. In cold frames radishes may be easily secured until after New Year’s with very little trouble.

Among the best known early varieties are French Breakfast, Scarlet Turnip, Deep Scarlet, and Scarlet Short Top. The best known late ones are White Strasburg, Rose, and White Spanish.






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